Virtual Toolkit
What is Denim Day?
We celebrate Denim Day in honor of a woman who was forcibly raped by her driving instructor. The woman pressed charges, but the case was dismissed because the chief judge decided that, “…because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them, and by removing the jeans, it was no longer rape, but consensual sex.”
What Can Your Community Do?
- Wear jeans on Denim Day. “Dress up”! Get out of your pajamas, sweat pants, or leggings and wear a pair of jeans. Take a picture of yourself and upload it to the Denim Day Facebook Page!
- Create a campaign for individuals to make a small donation to wear jeans on Denim Day at your place of employment. Donate the proceeds to help survivors (check out our donate tab on this website for ideas!).
- Mail or hand out stickers that show your support of survivors. You can find a sticker template here.
- Social media correspondence – post stats about survivors of sexual assault, post messages of support, articles on self-care or words of healing on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat.
- Do a Facebook live chat and discuss victim blaming and ways in which people can support survivors.
- Jean Decoration-Clean out your closet and decorate your old denim jeans with your kids as a fun art project. Use this time to talk about boundaries and healthy relationships.
- Use sidewalk chalk to make teal ribbons and write messages of support to survivors.
- Decorate your windows with a Denim Day Display. This could be a great way to show off the jeans you decorated, or you can use your creativity to create a unique display showing your commitment to ending sexual violence and to support survivors.
- On April 29th at 8:00pm light a candle in honor of and in support of survivors and post a picture to social media.
- Take a moment of silence for those that have lost their lives to sexual violence.