Denim Day Supporters Photo Shoot
Host a Denim Day photo shoot to raise awareness for Denim Day and give the campus a connection and visual representation of their support.
- Ask photography students to help out with the shoot.
- Give at least two weeks’ notice before the shoot so that people are able to coordinate their schedule to wear jeans or change into them.
- Find a populated space on campus to do the photo shoot so that there is an easy visual of the shoot and to recruit supporters.
- Make sure to have media release forms for all students, faculty, and staff to sign.
- Put flyers out on a table/display to explain Denim Day to people passing through.
- Create large posters or banners with the participants’ photos to display across campus at least a week or two before Denim Day to raise awareness.
- Encourage participants to dress as themselves in their jeans!
- Make sure to okay the space and photo shoot with the proper departments at your school ahead of time.